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Jefferson Islands Club Events

Since George H.W. Bush was our Inaugural Awardee in 1982, the Jefferson Islands Club has conferred a Citizen of the Year award to national leaders who exhibit bipartisan spirit to accomplish national objectives. 
Citizen of the Year Award Highlights
Additionally, the Club holds three large receptions at the Capitol each year featuring traditional Southern Maryland specialties from St. Mary’s County, such as oysters prepared multiple ways and stuffed ham sandwiches.  

The State of the Union Reception is on the night of the President's annual address to Congress, in late January or early February and is the Club's premier event.

The Oysters and Wild Game Reception in April includes the amazing fare of the State of the Union Reception and adds duck, goose, pheasant, and venison. 

The End of Session Reception, is held in November or December, as Congress works towards its year-end adjournment.

There are two annual events held on St. Catherine's Island at the JIC Clubhouse. These are the annual Crab Feast, in mid-to-late July, and the Oyster Roast in late October or early November. These traditions date back to the early years of the Club, including in 1938 when President Roosevelt hosted over 300 Senators and House Members for a retreat. In September 1945, President Harry Truman hosted a picnic for 150 Members of Congress at the Club and there began the tradition of the annual White House Picnic

For all of the Club's Island events, the hiking trails, shotgun range and other amenities are open for Members and invited guests to enjoy.


Cheryl Luczko
Executive Director

(703) 464-7072

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